Show HN: iCal RSVP Helper Hi HN, We use HEY for Work at my startup, which doesn't have a calendar integration. This is mostly fine, as we can simply use our private calendars, but has a major drawback: We can't reply to invitations in an easy way. ...
Show HN: Honda Civic Infotainment Reverse-Engineering I own a 2021 Honda Civic and have been annoyed by the lack of public documentation/hacking tools for the Android-based headunit. I hope to address this by publishing my research into the headuni...
Show HN: File-by-file AI-generated comments for your codebase My friends and I were complaining about having to decipher incomprehensible code one day and decided to pass the code through GPT to see if it could write easily understandable comments ...
Show HN: YouTube Summary CLI This simple tool was born out of a personal need for a more efficient way to consume YouTube content. It provides you with a short and segment-wise summary of a YouTube video. Each segment is printed with a link to that...
Show HN: JavaScript Office Library: View and Convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint Hi HN, Igor here. We’re super excited to officially launch PSPDFKit for Web Standalone’s Office-to-PDF functionality ( try the demo [0] ). PSPDFKit for Web Standalone is a...
Show HN: MrScraper AI – Dead simple web scraper (powered by AI) I've decided to test a new approach in my web scraping app. What do you think? May 23, 2023 at 09:20AM
Show HN: Blotter – An interactive, never ending music video One day I was listening to a playlist and wished there could be some cool visuals to go along with it. Blotter is a proof of concept I hacked together that does a bit of audio recognition ...
Show HN: Ki Programming Language Alpha preview for the ki programming language. Currently linux-x64, macos-x64 only. Windows users can use WSL for now. Feedback is much appreciated. May 22, 2023 at 01:50PM
Show HN: WikTok – A Recommendation UI for Wikipedia Hi HN, WikTok is a UI for Wikipedia that lets you quickly swipe (or use your arrow keys) to navigate between random and recommended articles (based on the previous articles you interacted most wit...
Show HN: Pretty code snippets for PowerShell in the terminal I had some fun learning to parse PowerShell code with the built-in abstract syntax tree for this one. I originally wrote it to add some color to the output in PowerShellAI.
Show HN: SpaceBadgers – Free and Libre SVG Badges Greetings, Hacker News community! I am thrilled to present SpaceBadgers, a new free and open-source SVG badge generator I've been working on. It's located at SpaceBadgers is born out ...
Show HN: A simple echo server for testing HTTP clients I have developed an application called "echoserver" and I would like to share its details on Hacker News. The purpose of "echoserver" is to simplify the testing of HTTP clients. It functions as...
Show HN: Summary GPT – host a bot to summary Text, URLs, PDFs and videos for you An AI-powered text summarization Telegram bot that generates concise summaries of text, URLs, PDFs and YouTube videos. May 21, 2023 at 06:06AM